Artists for a free world

Artists For a Free World is the AFA advocacy initiative launched in 2017. Since then, AFFW artists have participated in dozens of protests and advocacy actions, including fundraising campaigns for humanitarian action.

We are holding meetings to organize and strategize. Stay connected by emailing us at [email protected]

AFFW supporters

Human Issues

  • Finding ways to support suffering people around the world
  • Non-Discrimination
  • Immigration rights with a focus on those at risk
  • Environmental Issues
  • Free Speech / Free Press

Artists’ Issues

  • Net Neutrality
  • Advocating for governmental support for arts
  • Copyright Laws

AFFW manifesto

It is important- to realize that people: men and women (Black, Indigenous, Latino, Middle-Eastern, Asian) & anyone else who doesn’t conform and those in need of affordable medical care especially poor women and those who live with abusers and people who are not heterosexual and all the poor and the aging… we are all at risk thus we must hold our representatives responsible for taking steps to ensure all human rights: the right to affordable education, housing and healthcare in a world with clean water, clean air & parklands and creative arts that reflect our diversity. For our own well-being we must commit and insist that those to whom we give power commit to the health of our planet ensuring a future for those who will inherit it. We realize that what is at stake is a global struggle for our humanity and our plant and although, those who speak out are at risk.

If we don’t speak out we are already lost but by coming together… we strengthen our humanity and that of the people whose lives we touch.

We make a difference in the lives of those we touch as we stay informed by knowledge with love filled with the strength of our humanity and committed to action we shall overcome.


